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Original: Brand Worlds Presse-Information
Internet bewegt
Das neue Werkzeug Brand Worlds Tools revolutioniert die Web-Animation
Um als Website Beachtung zu finden, müssen die Informationen unterhaltsam gestaltet und leicht zugänglich sein. Installationsfreie, interaktive Web-Applikationen verdeutlichen das Anliegen des Anbieters und führen den Interessenten. Die Herstellung solcher Anwendungen für das Internet war aber bisher mit großem Aufwand verbunden. Brand Worlds Tools vereinfacht nun das Erstellen... - 9k - Text Cache

SearchEnglish For pages matching your expression

List of support answers
...This will refresh these files. More information can be found at Microsoft Knowledge Base....
Related information: and Windows Update....
Click here to register a member club and here for technical information. If you are a club owner, please click on the club name on your nickpage to obtain status information.... - 44k - Text Cache - Similar pages

FAQ Group
...· Group members can have additional picture medals and information on their nickpages, set by the group starter....
· Yes – please contact for more information about this.... - 7k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Router Configuration I
...Information: You need to be plugged into the usb port on your router, to be able to change the settings in your router....
Fill out this window (NAT Rule Information) like below:...
Repeat the step for the next rule (second port) and fill out the window (NAT Rule Information) like below:... - 106k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Router Configuration
...Information: You need to be plugged into the usb port on your router, to be able to change the settings in your router....
Fill out this window (NAT Rule Information) like below:...
Repeat the step for the next rule (second port) and fill out the window (NAT Rule Information) like below:... - 104k - Text Cache - Similar pages

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
...The main payment method is payment by credit card. You can also pay by PayPal or transfer funds. For more information, please have a look at the registration pages or contact - 25k - Text Cache - Similar pages

moove online Information, some moove online Features...
Click here for more information!...
» Online & Message Information can contain links... - 81k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Questions & Answers Overview
...If your router supports portforwarding, it's possible that it can be configured for moove online. For more information on this see - 9k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Please note: ActiveX
...This will refresh these files. More information can be found at Microsoft Knowledge Base.... - 3k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Avatar Information
...Avatar Information This demonstration was created with the help of the new Software Brand Worlds Tools, the new way to create animated web content. Brand Worlds Tools is the first 3D tool specifically developed for creating rendered web animations. Please click here for a free download of this software developed by moove. Via the moove online community you can connect to computers that are running Brand Worlds Tools. This software can be remote controlled from the Internet. This way you can create your own Avatar picture for your nickpage.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Best of - Members on moove pages
...Age information is colored depending on gender . Houses of Gold Members are golden.... - 11k - Text Cache - Similar pages

moove online fees
...It is very important that you add the following information:...
Please contact, if you need further information.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Best of - All Gold Invitations
...Hint: Get Fee reduction up to 100% for invited members with Gold Membership subscription. Please click here for more information.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Best of - First members
...Age information is colored depending on gender . Houses of Gold Members are golden....
10 E AvatarCreator 2 Brand Worlds... - 7k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Best of - Most popular members
...Age information is colored depending on gender . Houses of Gold Members are golden.... - 3k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Best of - Relation Anniversary
...Age information is colored depending on gender . Houses of Gold Members are golden.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

CVV2 or CVC2 Card Validation Code
...Information... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Give away Gold Membership to a member
...It is very important that you add the following information:...
Please contact, if you need further information.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Give away *Premium* package to a member
...It is very important that you add the following information:...
Only Gold Members are qualified to receive the additional *Premium* package. Regarding Gold Membership use Membership status after login or look here for individual information....
Please contact, if you need further information.... - 5k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Lost password
...For security reasons all information about this request will be recorded for the member.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Satisfied Members
...JamaicanSpear M Moove is the future of all virtual worlds moove allows chatting artistic creativity,and a virtual society to thrive withing the boundaries of the web,moove is the futuremoove Move is for the creative and those seeking a place to explore their hidden desires not shared with the real world moove allows a person to be what ever he or she wants to be and for me moove is the definate future...
Dialea Moove is a giving force a enity that shapes every life form it touches it summons the creative energy from inside and allows the member whether free or paying the power to show the world around he is apart of the creative force of life. Intwined in the compiled data is a view of the univerise waiting for those with the willingness to use the tools so many have worked so hard to make possiable to everyone , take time learn the real meaning of socialization and how complex it is in every circle give one moment of your newly awakened talent or even your mastered skill and you will for ever create and learn to express yourself in a artistic and intellectual way . As time goes on i hope moove technologically grows because we are growing every day and neen the guidence of sophicated information to aid us and show proof of intelligent life all over the world and that it is still capable of sustaining itself from a unlimited source of data and moove is at the top of the list in leading software for layman and professionals....
GREGG Of all the dozens of 3D Virtual worlds I Have tried out, including, Second Life, Simsonline, Whoru, Project Entropia, Worlds 3D, Active Worlds, and many more I can't even remember the names of, I still cannot find any that has as many great features as Moove! Its the only one that truly feels like "Home", and I can never wait to get back to it no matter where else I go ! There just isn't any other program that offers the intimacy and independent action that Moove offers, whether it's decorating fabulous rooms, or making the most realistic interactions one can imagine! It's Romantic. It's Exotic, It's Detailed, It's nearly endless in possibilites. One can have as Wild or Mild environment as one wishes. Or one can make the coziest isolated den which "reeks" of expensive cigars and pipe tobacco! A corporate boardroom to meet with World power brokers, Or a blazing beach with scantilly clad drunken party-goers!! Anything in between, or all of the above!... - 41k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Support answers
...This will refresh these files. More information can be found at Microsoft Knowledge Base (
Related information: ( and Windows Update (
Click here ( to register a member club and here ( for technical information. If you are a club owner, please click on the club name on your nickpage to obtain status information.... - 45k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Repair
...This will refresh these files. More information can be found at Microsoft Knowledge Base....
If you did install many programs and removed only the folders instead of uninstalling, the install information in the registry persists and the registry gets to full....
This will refresh these files. More information can be found at Microsoft Knowledge Base.... - 12k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Lost nickname
...For security reasons all information about this request will be recorded and sent along with the e-mail.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Create Widgets
...Example; the file has to be on the Internet, not on your PC. Hint: Create Animations with the Brand Worlds Tools. Pictures must be suited for all ages, i.e. nudity, humiliating, offence or violence is not allowed here. Just remember Nipplegate. Every kind of advertisement is prohibited here, too. Please click here to setup your own Advertisement Campaign....
Hint: You can use widgets for Online Information, Relation Medals and Group Medals, too.... - 5k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help and Contact
New ways to get new Clients
Web Reception with Social Hub, optimizing your professional appearance and reputation all over the internet. *Lothar*'s moove Ad
Help and Contact
Please inform our Support, if you still need help after reading
... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Summer Fun Decoration Contest
...More information: How to take a Screenshot... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Banner Formats
...For more information about standards please have a look at the links below....
b) giving enough information for a target group... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Copyright
...Copyright protects creative work against illegal copying. Please read the statements of the author. More information can be found here:... - 3k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Diamond Club
...Open a moove online Diamond Club. Receive members from all over the world. Hold your counseling and sales talks directly and personally. For more information about Diamond Clubs, please click here. Having a group might be interesting for you, too.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Give away Gold Memberships
...It is very important that you add the following information:...
Please contact, if you need further information.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Give away *Premium* package
...It is very important that you add the following information:...
Only Gold Members are qualified to receive the additional *Premium* package. Regarding Gold Membership use Membership status after login or look here for individual information....
Please contact, if you need further information.... - 5k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - moove Roomancer on Mac and Linux
...More information:...
More information:... - 3k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Representation of your shop
...· The next time the search engine is used, all information for all shops will be updated.... - 5k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Community Server notification
...· The community server is sending the notifications into the Roomancer chat area or opening a community web page will transfer the information....
· The main community page is receiving the notifications and opens an area for ongoing community server notifications. This area isn’t a window, e.g. there is no need to close it. Nevertheless you can use it like a window (moving, resizing, closing). The nicknames in the content area are colored to show the online mode. Just click to go to the related nickpage. At the bottom of the area a link to new mail is inserted, if you have got new messages in the mean time. Closing the area or reloading of the page clears the old content. Hint: Clicking 'Start' refreshes your community information.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Info - ICQ
...Look here for information about ICQ: - 2k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - moove online fees
...It is very important that you add the following information:...
Please contact, if you need further information.... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Pictures, Music / Video clips & Web space
...For more information look at Creative Commons and here at Google....
More information: How to take a Screenshot... - 11k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help for received files
...More information:... - 8k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Nickpage Read
...Your Nickpage is a web page in the Internet and can be read not only by members. Quite often search engines and services are reading your nickpage, for instance to present search results or to create a preview picture. Also surfers of the Internet could find and use a link to your nickpage. All possible information about the reader will be shown to gold members - for example IP address, User agent and HTTP referrer. You can adjust the visibility of your nickpage by using Show Nickpage.... - 3k - Text Cache - Similar pages

The Community - Clubs in Your Virtual 3D Chat World
The Community - Clubs in Your Virtual 3D Chat World
Clubs in Your Virtual 3D World
Clubs are very popular, because all members can easily and quickly access them.
· Set up a business club or a private club to:
· open a store
... - 9k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Get Started
...Please click here for the manual and here for more information about membership....
This will refresh these files. More information can be found at Microsoft Knowledge Base....
· Related information: and Windows Update.... - 18k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Info - Online status - Away from Keyboard
...By using "Online Status & Logout" "Edit Online Information" other members can be informed that the owner cannot be contacted at the moment; for incoming messages the owner can use "Edit Message Info".... - 3k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Info - Buddies
...You can ignore members you don’t want to contact you. Other related nicknames of that person are affected, too. Before entering a club, we suggest opening the Club Information to check for ignored visitors....
Ring medals and information about the ceremony of your wedding can be added to your nickpage. You can now add, edit or remove your own rings and information:... - 4k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Info - Online status - Messenger
...By using "Online Status & Logout" "Edit Online Information" other members can be informed in advance.... - 3k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Info - Online status
...By using "Online Status & Logout" "Edit Online Information" other members can be informed.... - 3k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Info - Login
...For more information please try "Service and Options" and then:... - 6k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Info - Rooms, actors...
...More information: How to take a Screenshot... - 7k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Info - Online status - Web mode
...If you are in Web mode and can't have visitors, you can usually solve this by forwarding ports in your router. Please search for your router model. If you find your router model, everything should be easy. Just follow the pictures. If you need extra help feel free to send us your router model, usually name & number. More information:... - 7k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Enter Table Information
Rows: Columns:
Table Attributes:
Cell Attributes:
... - 3k - Text Cache - Similar pages

The Community - Matchmaking in Your Online 3D Chat World
...· Enter this information and more in your personal preferences list!... - 9k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - FAQ Community
...Just click here. Here you can find information about privacy and safety in moove online.... - 19k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - FAQ Premium/Teams
...Extended community information about other members: Number of logins (Of course this information will not violate the moove Privacy Policy.)...
Extended community information about other members: Number of logins (Of course this information will not violate the moove Privacy Policy.)... - 28k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Terms of Service
...You oblige not to post, offer, or make otherwise accessible, any material that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, hateful, racially objectionable, or otherwise unlawful in moove online, including, but not limited to, your personal profile page and websites, artwork, and documents displayed in your room. You also oblige not to behave in any way that is harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, hateful, racially objectionable, or otherwise unlawful in moove online. This also includes mentioning and spreading personal information, log files, including real names and "nicknames" of other members, on personal profile pages and linked websites (moove board). On request of the members mentioned on personal profile pages and linked websites, their nicknames, real names, nicknames before change, house names, e-mail-addresses, web links, and/or any other personal information have to be removed immediately. Furthermore, you are not allowed to reproduce, distribute, or otherwise use copyrighted work (art, literature, music, software, and other intellectual property) in moove online if the copyright is not held by any person involved. You are not allowed to advertise on nickpages and/or the moove board. You must not violate any local, state, national, or international law or regulation. If you allow another person to use your access to moove online, you hold the sole and complete responsibility for their actions conducted in your account. Orders by moove system administrators need to be followed....
The offered contents might be protected by copyright and/or by trademark. Their use is controlled by any valid copyright laws. Please see for more information....
Data collected by moove for the online service is stored and processed on secure servers. For more information, see Privacy Policy.... - 17k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Protection of Children and Young People in moove online
...· Refrain from actions in your room (interactions, passing on information) that could endanger minors (If the room is set "Open to all")... - 8k - Text Cache - Similar pages

...» World Of The Month, Virtual Worlds Review...
» "Today's pick: moove Online 2.0. The extra O is for extra online! moove joins the ranks of [...] avatar-populated virtual worlds [...] with an entire virtual... world? planet? dimension?... dedicated to the fine art of hanging out. moove boasts plenty of customizability, including a great deal of control over your avatar's actions, and lots of options for decorating your own little home inside the PC. It's all based on peer-to-peer technology, so there are no monitors lurking about, though there is a matchmaking service to help you find like-minded pals."...
More Information:Please send a mail to - 21k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Basics Overview
...By clicking on the preview window - as shown in the picture below - you switch to the already decorated room of your house. Clicking the preview window allows you to change back and forth between the information of the community page and the room view. If you click on the "Community" icon, you refresh the community page, enabling you to keep track of all changes....
You can also use several doors for direct access to other rooms in your house. More information about this can be found under the help menu point "Inserting New Doors"....
Give your new room a beautiful name. Click on "OK". After clicking on "OK" a window will open, asking you if you want to update your local room information on the Community Server. By clicking on "Yes" you will request a room list from the server. Now you can enter a description of your room, e.g. Picture Gallery, so visitors will immediately be informed about the room's content. You can also decide if you don't want the room to displayed so that it won't be visible to anyone, whether the room is "open for all", or whether you only allow visitors who are "over 18", so that the room won't be visible to minors.... - 11k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Decorate Overview
...You can find a detailed information here.... - 16k - Text Cache - Similar pages

moove Cooperation Models
...Please see FAQ for more information.... - 9k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Community Features Overview
...Many useful community features can be found in the navigation bar to the left on the community page. Among these is the mail function. Click on "Mail" - your mail window will open. Here you can write mails and send them as moove mails within the community or additionally to the recipient's e-mail-address. You can also send the mail as a message to the recipient's ICQ number or cell phone. In these cases, the "not visible" information from the respective member will be used. This information is never shown to the sender, though, so that the numbers or e-mail-addresses won't be misused....
If you want to update the information you entered during registration, click on the "Profile" button to make the changes. This information is displayed on your nick page....
Here you can get important information about your Membership. Among other things, you can see a list of your invoices. Just have a look!... - 11k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Conversion Old Actors II
...To prepare "Mark" we need to create an ASM file that contains all information about this actor. This means we need the template information and the surface and texture information from the TXT file - as described above. In fact you could say we're creating a whole body costume called "Mark".... - 8k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Backup
...Important information:... - 15k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - FAQ moove online
...The main payment method is payment by credit card. You can also pay by PayPal or transfer funds. For more information, please have a look at the registration pages or contact - 28k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Club Room
...You will now see a message box asking you if you want to send your changed room information to the server. Please answer "YES".... - 7k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Housepage Info
Housepage Info
Housepage, exclusively for premium members!
So that you can welcome your visitors without being interrupted!
Who doesn't have this problem? You're having nice visitors and what happens?
A new visitor comes in and then "everything"
... - 7k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Firewalls
...More information: What is a firewall?... - 7k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Glossary - Content
...for your information... - 30k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Other view of my Profile
...Have you ever wondered what your nickpage looks like to other members? Which information that you entered, for example during registration, is visible to others?...
What kind of extra information about me is available to a premium member?...
What kind of information do I receive when I want to view my nickpage while logged out?... - 5k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Premium Package/Gold Membership
...Click here for more information...
Extended community information on other members: Number of logins (Of course this information will not violate the moove Privacy Policy.)... - 15k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Styles
...The stylecomp.exe is a tool that creates a style for moove Roomancer. More information about this can be found towards the end of this tutorial.... - 21k - Text Cache - Similar pages

Help - Member Club
...Many moove online members with Premium Package or annual Gold Membership can open Member Club rooms about a specific topic. They offer their clubs for visits, nice chats and of course for finding information about the displayed theme. There are numerous themes available, mainly about the owner's hobby and general interest. Often theme club owners engage socially and are happy when they can help the user with information about the theme.... - 5k - Text Cache - Similar pages

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