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Info - Online status - Web mode

If you are in Web mode and can't have visitors, you can usually solve this by forwarding ports in your router. Please search for your router model. If you find your router model, everything should be easy. Just follow the pictures. If you need extra help feel free to send us your router model, usually name & number. More information:

If you browse the Web, you connect to computers – Web Mode.
Roomancer visitors connect to your IP address.
If nobody can visit you, there are two possible reasons:

· Your IP address is not unique to your PC.

· A router logs into the Internet and owns your IP. You have to adjust the router in order to lead connections from the router to your PC, even when there is only one PC.
If the UPnP Script does not run on your system, please setup your router manually:
Your PC has a LAN IP behind the router, starting with 192.168.0. ... in most cases.
Find out your computers LAN IP:
Under Windows Go to "START" button -> "run" , type in CMD (if that doesn't work, then "COMMAND") in the box and hit enter. A black DOS box will open, at the prompt type in "IPCONFIG" (if that doesn't work, then "WINIPCFG") and hit enter. Note down the result you are given under "IP Address".
Roomancer uses TCP Port 9793 for visitors and 9795 for receiving files.
In a "Servers" router menu setup Port Forwarding to direct the Roomancer ports to the related PC by telling
Port 9793 goes to 192.168.0. .... (your computers LAN IP) and
Port 9795 goes to 192.168.0. .... (same IP)

Router specific help:
Speedport routers
Router settings / configuration for Roomancer
Router list for moove Roomancer - please search for your router model

My router model

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Internet Search
Please note: If you lost connection to the Internet, please restart Roomancer and logout / login again.
Sometimes routers change the LAN IPs of the PCs. In this case please correct the values in the router menu.
Hint: If you are using more than one Roomancer PC at your router, please change the values for "VisitPort" and "XferPort" in the Roomancer menu "View", "Options", "Service" and in your router accordingly, for instance use Port 9893 and 9895.
· A proxy server connects several PCs to the Internet under a single address.

· Please install Roomancer on the proxy server.
· Disable Internet Connection Sharing.
· Deactivate proxy server in the Roomancer menu "View", "Web Options...", "Connections".
· You are using an USB stick of a mobile phone service with IP Sharing / "private IP". In this case you have to choose an Access Point Name (APN) with a "public IP" for you - if possible without Network Address Translation (NAT). Only this way you have the full range of internet functionality. Please change your web stick settings or contact your provider. Example: If you have T-Mobile, please open your Web 'n Walk - Manager and select APN2 for Internet mode: Internet.t-d1, for 3: 3internet, E-Plus: internet.eplus, Vodafone: hs.vodafone, O2: not possible
· The connection is blocked.
Please make sure, that Roomancer (_adv.exe) and ports 9793 and 9795 are not blocked by router / firewall.
Firewall settings / configuration for Roomancer

Hint: Maybe the person that has installed your router / firewall can help you to set it up now.
PS: Web mode is independent from your Roomancer installation and your moove account. Even in web mode you can visit.

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