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Designer Tutorial - Commands

How to create chat commands for moove online Roomancer

Roomancer comes with Build-in Commands being defined in the file \moove\OwnerCommands.Txt. Every line of the file contains a command. Behind of the command text you will find a comma and one or more functions for your own actor ("Owner"). Example:
#),OwnerSetExpr(##SMILE);OwnerSetPosture("Oh My")
If you send a chat line containing <#)>, your actor will smile and use the "Oh My" posture.
The functions are written in the moove programming language DOORS (Dynamic Object Oriented Runtime System) and are separated by semicolon ';'. OwnerSetExpr(##SMILE) chooses the "Smile" expression; OwnerSetPosture("Oh My") activates the "Oh My" posture.
The Owner...() functions of the DOORS API perform automatic :synchronization for all members in the room. Therefore the other members do not need to have the command lines. Postures and expressions are also - as always - only needed at the "owner".
This makes it easier to add your own commands. After a :Backup please open the file \moove\OwnerCommands.Txt.

Congratulations, you are a DOORS Programmer now!

Hint: To exchange postures and expressions with other members, just right-click another actor and copy the posture before clicking the moove Roomancer "Extras" button. Then "Tools", "Posture Editor".
To create one or more actor "Servants" just use "Extras", "Developer Tools", "Create Servant". Only you will see it. It will stay until you either dismiss it or exit the room.
You can right-click it to trade bodies when making new postures.
Use "Extras", "Tools" "Backup Postures" to generate a file with all of your postures.
If you get this file from another member, just copy it to your Roomancer folder (C:\moove in most cases).
After importing the file you will have all of the postures of the other member without destroying your own.
Select a posture or a posture sequence just by embedding the name into your chat input as a chat command, e.g. <sit>, <crawl>, <lie> or <Relax>. Use <e> to exercise between the last two postures or expressions. Try the F3 key and select a command...
Show Your Mood To Those Present In The Room By Using Postures And Expressions

Chat commands
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