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Original: Help - ZoneAlarm Firewall
Zone Alarm Firewall
ZoneAlarm Firewall
ZoneAlarm is a free (for personal use) firewall, which can be downloaded here
The first time you start the moove online software "Roomancer", ZoneAlarm will pop up and display this window:
Make sure to mark the checkbox shown above before clicking on "Yes".
Proceed the same way with the next window:
You now need to adjust the security settings. Select "Firewall" in the navigation bar and click on the "Main" button - you will get to see this... - 6k - Text Cache

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Configuration of free 3D Software moove 'Roomancer'
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Firewall settings Windows Firewall
Firewall settings Zone Alarm... - 9k - Text Cache - Similar pages

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Help - Firewalls
3D Chat World - moove online - Help - Firewalls...
Firewall settings / configuration for moove online "Roomancer"...
When you want to be visited by other members in your house on your computer, then you need to add an entry in your firewall which allow this kind of contact.... - 7k - Text Cache - Similar pages

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