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of moove online

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CarlDompierreMoove's Interface is the greatest 3D Personal Program ever created: Not only it allows one to have his/her own 3D House, with the possibility of creating any number of Rooms, to design the entire room itself, and to furnish them with all sorts of items, it also brings the same limitless possibilities with one's own "actor/actress" (character), and with postures and facial expressions... Everything can be edited by the user! It would be absolutely impossible to describe all the possibilities, tools, and options that are available with this Moove Interface (the program itself). In addition to that, it offers interaction with others by 3D Visits. All that in a program that runs marvelously without any special graphic cards! Moove is simply incredible!
*henry54*As I approch my first year here at moove I want to Thank everyone :) My experiences are high on my lifes memories list, from the wonderful friends, the skills I have learned and am still learning to the frustrations. When I joined moove I had no idea what to expect...WOW... was I ever surprised in such a possitive way, where else can someone meet people from all over the world, develop close friendships, create your own personal home, learn skills on a daily basis all while having fun!!! My Heart and Thanks to all, moove is indeed a magical place.
Miss ElectricI suppose the best thing i've found here on Moove is that it is so customizable it allows you full ability to express yourself, from your face/hair/eyes and eye colour/ clothes/postures but also things like your expressions and even your own home! I've been coming online to 3D avatar chats for quite a few years now but moove is by far the best. You get complete control and flexibility to just be you and have fun with it. It lets you meet and interact with so many different people from all over the world, and visit them in the blink of an eye, all from right there with ease and comfort in your own home. The range of items you can collect to customize yourself and your home is huge. It's safe, it's fun, it's suitable for families and it's just awesome in every way.
VerronniqueYou are able to meet a variety of people. You are able to engage in many different situations. Yoyu are able to engage in many unuaual practices. You are able to dress your toon in many different costumes. Your yearly price is reasonable.
*nylonfn*Es ist hier echt sehr interessant. Man lernt hier sehr viele nette menschen kennen ehrlich sehr toll hier man wird mitsehr viel liebe aufgenommen! Sehr hilfreich sind alle hier wenn man probleme hat hat immer gleich wär eine lösung wie und was man änder oder machen kann! Sehr interessant ist es hier das man seine Eigenen Räume gestaltet erzeugen einrichten kann oder als Desigenr seine eigenen entwürfe erstellen und verkaufen kann! Als besonders hilfreich ist ja für jeden klar ist unser Lothar ich danke dir für deine schnellen antworten und lösungen! Es macht jeden tag mehr spaß hier zu seine und werde es wohl nie wieder verlassen! Gebe jeden einen guten tip hier sich anzumelden den man kann hier vieles erleben! GLG *Nylonfn*
FennelyThat everything is just perfectly organized. It is all understandable where everything is and there wasn't any difficulties to find something. I also note that persons here are always helpful and friendly. Well. Those I have talked with seemed alright. The most favourite thing in that site is the 3D chat. It is full of choices and the top thing of it is that you really don't have to pay anything.
Miss carlieWhat I like best about Moove is its virtual chat. I've been in different chat rooms...but the interaction ..the friendships, and the details and graphics are great. I love being in Moove, and all my friends I've made.
*ISABELLA76*Eu adoro o moove ... é muito legal conhecer pessoas do mundo inteiro, uma fantasia maravilhosa.
*Simsala*bin nun nach langer zeit wieder hier, muss sagen moove hat mir gefehlt und ich habe auch keinen schöneren chat gesehen, wo man seine eigen raeume einrichten kann und auch seine eigenen figuren erstellen kann. in dieser zeit ist vieles schoener geworden hier in rose. das team bemeuht sich immer etwas neues fuer uns user einzubringen . macht weiter so . nun kann man auch schon schoene bilder in die gaestebuecher setzen. Danke dafuer . gut das es moove gibt. werde es auch an alle meine freunde weiter empfehlen. wobei ich sagen kann, sind schon einige hier gelandet. simsala
M00nBabyThis site had GOT to be the most customizable I've ever seen.... Allows me to REALLY make it MINE!
*Catmoritz*Die freie Gestaltung und Einrichten der Räume gefällt mir sehr gut.Bin jetzt über zwei Jahre bei rose,muß sagen das hier mit dem 3 D Chat ist was einmaliges.Bin Frührentner und habe bisher nur in normale Chats gechattet. Rose macht süchtig.Habe viele Freundschaften geknüpft und auch schon welche real getroffen.Jeder Tag in moove ist ein neues Erlebnis.
*Anuschka*hallo.., also moove ist der beste chatt...wie ein zweites meisten gefählt es mir die möglichkeit die räume selbst zu macht sehr viel spass...und nicht zu vergessen das mann immer wieder neue menschen trifft und kennen lernen kann..und nicht vergessen die liebe familie und freunde die mann hier gefunden hat...;-))
sternschnuppe1302Hallo Moove Team, mir gefällt besonders, das man sich ein gemütliches Zuhause schaffen kann, wo man sich mit Freunden oder Gleichgesinnten zum quatchen, streiten uvm. treffen kann. Jeder kann das seiner grenzenlosen Phantasie überlassen. Das ist eben das schöne daran, jeder kann sich seine eigene Welt schaffen und in Ihr leben. Zumindestens zeitweise. Was es nicht gibt kann man sich selber bauen oder erstellen. Beim chatten jemanden sehen können und nicht nur auf Buchstaben starren ist natürlich auch eine Super Eigenschaft von Moove. Gruß Sternschnuppe1302
Nakita_NiorI love meeting so many wonderful people from all corners of the world. I have found my time here both entertaining and educational. I have met some of the best people and have made friendships that I know will last the rest of my life. The warmth of the community here in Moove makes it so unique from other sites where you can find yourself lost and feeling so alone. Here in Moove there will always be someone that will say hello and welcome you in. Moove is the best and so is the support you recieve here. I cannot remember the last time that I felt so taken care of by a site's support system. I thank Lothar for being so there for all of us here. What more can I say? I love Moove.
*inish*Ok the best thing about moove is laughing sooo hard my sides hurt and my face is covered with tears .. and there is no day that goes by where that doesnt happen! The people on here make the place what it is.... and there is such a mix of really really KEWL people here, (((((((HI TO THE DIVAS!!!!)))))) oh and seeing peoples rooms.... now THATS like peeping into someones head for a bit ! and WHAT imaginations BUT the BEST bit is that i get to be a fairy and fly around like a Queen :) no thats not it .... the BEST bit it the hugs .. i am a hug junkie.. no its the shopping.... no its the decorating... no itsss....
i_am_eiselI totally love moove online! It is a new and definitely fun way to meet new people around the world. Interact with people with different backgrounds. What I also like here is how you can decorate everything from your body to your clothes to your place. Idea is limitless. It let me experience the things I cannot experience in the real world. And what I really like about moove online? Its FREE!!... *cheers to that!*
JejaroI love everything about gives you the oppurtunity to meet friends from all over.. to laugh, love, and even dance.... It brings out your creative side, and its just plan fun to design your own rooms, and cloths.......
Miss BambamMir gefällt hier besonders gut das ich individuell alles gestallten kann!!! Ob ich einen Club in mein Haus baue oder mir eine ganze Stadt errichte!!! Andere Mitglieder besuchen macht Spaß und ich bin jeder Zeit gut darüber informiert ob meine Buddies online sind!!
SleeplessNightAll of the diffront options with costomizeing my actor...there is always something there that I like. Not only being able to hug but to kiss and if I wish.. sexual intercorse with other members also to walk around naked if I wish.
Lynx61Moove has added a new dimension to chat for me, as beside chat, the ability to interact with others is interesting to say the least. I am still learning all the in's and out's of the 3D world, but it has been a fun trip to take. Thank you for providing this platform. Lynx
AccolaIt is amazing how this proves to be the best program the internet can offer! The options here are unique and the freedom one has as a member to be whatever one wishes to be. Here is where one's imagination materializes virtually, and provides a satisfaction that no other online project can offer!
WildGalUSI like the graphics, the rooms, the characters, the way you get to customize everything and i mean EVERYTHING makes it the best 3D chat on the net.
*MissyLicious*I love Moove because you can do so much with your actors. You can dress creatively, have cool postures, and stay in contact with friends so easily!!! I am hooked, and I've met my love right here on Moove, ty moove!
Miss VioletMoove is a great 3D program . I started to enjoy it as soon as I walked inside my very own 3D Home . Ive made many friends from many different places . Cant live without it now . Just a Satisfied member. Miss Violet House of Bloom
mbryanschade das die frage nicht kommt was gefällt dir an moove online nicht ? ;) dann müsst ich nähmlich sehr wütend sagen, spinnt ihr!!! was soll diese frage!!! *grins* nein im ernst jetzt... alles was ich bis jetzt kenne von den chatsportale ist moove mit abstand das beste, abgefahrenste, etc etc etc chat portal das es gibt.... vorallem mit dem wesentliche faktor, den 3 D moduöl :) grosses lob und dankessagenn an unser grossartiges moove team .... schade das ich das erst jetzt entdeckt habe :( aber nichts desto trotz.... ich freue mich weiterhin hierdrin zu chatten chatten chatten.... lg aus der schweiz mbryan PS danke für eure grossartigen dienste ... macht weiter so :)
alienneLange habe ich nach einem interaktiven 3-D-Chatsystem gesucht und dann in einer schlaflosen Nacht beim googeln "zufällig" Moove Online entdeckt. Schon dieses allerste Eintauchen in die "andere" Wirklichkeit der Rose-Community war ein erstaunliches Erlebnis. Ich kam mir vor wie Alice im Wunderland. Die Avatare, bei Moove Actors genannt, sind erstaunlich gut gelungen und werden oft von Mitgliedern mit kreativem Geschick in mühsamer Kleinarbeit liebevoll selbst gestaltet und den anderen Mitgliedern dann zur eigenen Nutzung zur Verfügung gestellt. Ebenso gibt es fast unbegrenzte Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten für Räume und Mobiliar, der Phantasie für interaktive Online-Spiele sind damit kaum Grenzen gesetzt.
NancyFancyPantsWhat I like best about moove online is the fact that one is able to use it as an outlet for personal creativity. Unlike other online communities, moove online is caters to who YOU are as a person. Profiles cover so many facets of a person's self, avatars can be made to reflect what one really looks like or desires to be like, and houses show each member's unique style. This is a community where other members know you for who you really are.. and on a myriad of levels.
SashlyWow! Where do I begin. Back in 1999 I think I started using Roomancer and Rose 3D. After that I was completely hooked. I was hooked so much that I started to study the 3D environments and met a lot of great friends online. I did this for quite some time. After learning how to make the designs and textures for the actors, I started to create my own actor Sashly. I then developed a web site with tutorials. I truly enjoyed it. I found myself making wedding plans for others, invitations, wedding gowns, the tuxedos, everything. It went on from there. It was one of the highlights of any of my online adventures. I am sitting here, now returning after all this time, looking at the printed tutorial book I made back in July of 2001. Some things have changed, and I think the improvements are great! I like the enviroments, especially how user friendly it has become for others to design their own homes. I still have to say that Roomancer far exceeds other programs.
*Rhovana*What do I like best? That's a hard one. Moove has to be the single most entertaining and delightful program I have ever found. Of every program, every game, and every chat I have ever encountered, Rose is the least boring! I can always find something to do whether I'm logged onto the server or not. Even minus the human interactive aspect, the clothes, the house, the actors ... well. I have never had this much fun for such a long time anywhere else!!
Mrs Marple- frei gestaltbare Räume - Auswahl von Besuchern - selbsterstellbare Figuren - schnelle Hilfe durch Scouts und ein umfangreiches automatisches Antwortsystem - viele Raumausstattungsgegenstände schon frei verfügbar - viele nette gleichgesinnte Menschen treffen können - Es ergaben sich viele Freundschaften
*EvlDesire*Hi, I am a mom of 4 and I don't get out much! I do spend alot of time on the computer for 2 reasons; One is because I homeschool my 13 and 12 yr old, so I have to be here to log in hours of study, sessions and attendance The 2nd is ...I just love computers!!! It is my Hobby!! One thing I love to do is search the web for different ideas and concepts. Also the chat is great too!! I love meeting and making new friends on here because I don't get alot of chances to do so IRL. Anywayz, I was searching the web one day for a 3D chat site. I used to be addicted to the sims lol. One day while I was searching I stumbled onto Moove. The greatest thing I've ever seen!!!! I did the free membership deal, figured I would know whether or not I would like this place. Ya know some 3D places just don't hold a candle to places like this site!! My favorite things about Moove is: The people, the sites related to moove and and the fact that I can change my house to suit my mood!! I'm really glad I got my gold membership *monthly*! Hallo, bin ich eine Mamma von 4 und ich gehe nicht viel hinaus! Ich gebe alot der Zeit für den Computer für 2 Gründe aus; Ein ist, weil I homeschool mein 13 und 12 Jahr alt, also ich hier sein müssen, in den Stunden der Studie zu loggen, Lernabschnitte und Anwesenheit das 2. ist... I gerechte Liebecomputer!!! Es ist meine Liebhaberei!! Eine Liebe der Sache I zum zu tun soll das Netz nach unterschiedlichen Ideen und Konzepten suchen. Auch das Schwätzchen ist auch! groß! Ich mag neue Freunde an treffen und bilden hier, weil ich nicht alot von Wahrscheinlichkeiten, IRL so zu tun erhalte. Anywayz, suchte ich das Netz ein Tag nach einem Aufstellungsort des Schwätzchens 3D. Ich pflegte, zum sims lol süchtig zu sein. Ein Tag, während ich suchend ich war, stolperte auf Moove. Die größte Sache, die ich überhaupt!!! gesehen habe! Ich tat das freie Mitgliedschaft Abkommen, dargestellt würde ich wissen, ob oder nicht ich diesen Platz möchte. Ya wissen, daß Plätze irgendeinem 3D gerade eine Kerze nicht zu den Plätzen wie diesem Aufstellungsort! halten! Meine Lieblingssachen über Moove ist: Die Leute, die Aufstellungsorte bezogen auf moove und und der Tatsache, daß ich mein Haus ändern kann, um meiner Stimmung zu entsprechen!! Ich bin ich erhielt meine Goldmitgliedschaft * Monats *! wirklich froh
Nasayahmoove online is a really great 3D chat world. It's no.1
JamaicanSpearM Moove is the future of all virtual worlds moove allows chatting artistic creativity,and a virtual society to thrive withing the boundaries of the web,moove is the futuremoove Move is for the creative and those seeking a place to explore their hidden desires not shared with the real world moove allows a person to be what ever he or she wants to be and for me moove is the definate future
*rocksy*I find Moove rather intrigueing in it's irony. Irony in the sense of it being used as a tool for escapism. Yet, Moove itself is reality outside reality. It's an awesome way to meet people with as close an interaction as is "Cyberly" possible. Moove is simply...A Great Idea In Action !
VonneI have designed personal and commercial websites for others for over 11 years. I enjoy my work so much, that I often go weeks without missing a day on my html editor. Since I discovered Moove, I have not touched my desuigns waiting to be completed. I am only beginning to realize what the possibilities for webpage designing are here at Moove. From joining till currently, I have enjoyed the feeling of unlimited money to decorate as many rooms in any way I can imagine. Not to mention unlimited clothing etc. I thought I stopped playing dress up years ago, but actually it has been very entertaining. I have met many nice people and have enjoyed the conversations and help. Until now, I had only been in 1 chat room about 6 years ago and never used one again. Moove is different from traditional chat rooms where it is a more personal environment. The realistic feeling of Moove has shocked me. I have told all of my friends about moove and 2 have joined. I am planning to stay here for a while. Thank you for this experience.
Anck-Su-Namunin diesen chat investieren viele ihre zeit um ihren träumen etwas näher zu kommen, oder sie auszuleben, oder um hier wirklich freunde zu finden, vielleicht auch sogar eine feste bindung! es ist schön in einem chat zu sein, wo man wirklich selbst entscheiden kann, wen oder wo man seinen besuch empfangen möchte. es ist klasse das es immer neue möglichkeiten gibt. neue raumformate oder texturen. jeder kann seine räume fertigstellen wie er es sich wünscht oder realgetreu einrichten. wichtig ist in diesem falle, das es sich wirklich lohnt! hier für sich und andere chatter das eigene haus zu bearbeiten. hier findet man schnell menschen mit denen man sich unterhalten kann, menschen die wirklich nett mit einem, bzw untereinander umgehen.
zensusI like the graphics, the rooms, the characters, the way you get to customize everything and i mean literally EVERYTHING makes it the best 3D chat clent on the net.
pixiepixelI think moove is the most up to date 3-d chat i've beeen on in the last 5 yrs . Graphics are great and offer much more freedom to interact with others well. also the building of my own house keeps me busy for hrs . and the friends i have made i beleave will be for a life time maybe one day to meet:)
RyotI like the interaction of charactors and the use of items, the customization of the rooms and the 3d interactivity, there are many new people here and I was unwilling to try this two years ago. But after I took the time to get used to the way things work, my learning expirence is getting better I just started using Moove again and I prefer it over many of the other chats that I have used in the past, including VPchat I actions here are more then ever, but it can be quite confusing at first I learned on my own for the most part, on how to use Moove and the help files were excellent, There is a different but better quality of people here I found out once I learned how to let others visit me. I am still exploring the workings of Moove and I look forward to what I can learn. There is always something new it seems and different ways of doing thing. I thank all the people who I am getting to know and for the help they have given me freely
*Master Ben_Dover*love this program so much it is creating a world next to ur normal life where you can be who you want do what u want and most fantays become reality in his own particular way age dont mean a thing time zones are almost gone so there are almost no bounderies to comunicate all over the world who ever started this THANKS
DialeaMoove is a giving force a enity that shapes every life form it touches it summons the creative energy from inside and allows the member whether free or paying the power to show the world around he is apart of the creative force of life. Intwined in the compiled data is a view of the univerise waiting for those with the willingness to use the tools so many have worked so hard to make possiable to everyone , take time learn the real meaning of socialization and how complex it is in every circle give one moment of your newly awakened talent or even your mastered skill and you will for ever create and learn to express yourself in a artistic and intellectual way . As time goes on i hope moove technologically grows because we are growing every day and neen the guidence of sophicated information to aid us and show proof of intelligent life all over the world and that it is still capable of sustaining itself from a unlimited source of data and moove is at the top of the list in leading software for layman and professionals.
Bakru26Wenn man erst einmal die ersten Tage und Wochen hinter sich hat hier, sich mit den vielen Möglichkeiten dieses Programmes vertraut gemacht hat, die erste gehörige Anzahl von Downloads an Acteurs und Möbeln geschafft hat, dann wird es jeden Tag schöner in Moove. Hat man dann eine Anzahl an netten Buddies gefunden, mit derselben inneren Wellenlänge, dann ist jede Stunde hier eine Mischung aus Spaß, Gemütlichkeit und Entspannung. Man kann hier echt den Alltag für eine Weile vergessen. Was mir besonders gefällt ist, dass man hier seiner Kreativität freien Lauf lassen kann. Es ist einfach fantastisch eigene Räume zu gestalten oder die tollen Ideen in Punkto Räumegestaltung bei den Anderen zu bestaunen. Auch bei der Gestaltung der Studio-Actors kann man seine Ideen vielfältig verwirklichen. Auch wunderschön was die vielen Designer, die hier ein Hobby gefunden haben, an Möbeln und Acteurs schaffen und verfügbar machen. Und nicht zuletzt, man kann so nebenbei eine ganze Menge über die Handhabung von Ordnern und Daten auf seinem PC lernen. Alles in allem ein Chat der jede Minute Wert ist, die man damit verbringt und viel interessanter ist als das so verbreitete reine Tex-Chatten oder Voice-Chatten.
*Matti*I enjoy the creative aspects of Moove the most. I love the fact that there is a Community within Moove and enjoy being a part of it! I like being able to set my preferences how I like. I enjoy every part Moove very much!
drea23The best thing I like about moove is that its kind of like The Sims, the best game in the world, but I'm online and moove works alot better on my computer to. I like to decorate my house most of the time. It takes me away from the cahtting though, but I enjoy it alot.
*Lillith*I like the possibility to decorate my own virtual home, make my own actor and clothes as well. Meeting new people every day from all over the world. Its the perfect digital world!
Yoad-sonWhat I like the most about moove online is that it incorperates all my favorit features. I get to play a sim and meat new people at the same time. I know that persistent world online gaming can do the same but no where can you customise it so easily and you have no obligations to spend a sertain number of hours a week in the rpg world. It is simply fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gabriel_BlackBesonders gut gefällt mir, dass es sich hier um einen Chat mit 3D-Optik handelt. Es macht sehr viel Spass nicht nur im Text-Modus Chatten zu können, sondern dabei sein Gegenüber als Akteur zu sehen. Dies gibt dem Chat eine gewisse persönliche note und macht das Chatten wesentlich angenehmer. Ebenso die völlig freie Gestaltungsmöglichkeit der Räume und das einfache Erstellen neuer Räume gefällt mir sehr gut. Das einfache Herunterladen und Installieren von zusätzlichen (Einrichtungs-)Gegenständen ist wirklich hervorragend gelöst worden.
Outta controlLots of realistic looking characters on moove. Theres so much to do on here. the actions the characters can perform is awesome, and the ppl on this site are real helpful and friendly, but the thing I love the most is having your on house to decorate and dont have to be a paid member to do so... moove rocks..
KlausimannMir gefällt alles an Moove Inline, weil das endlich mal was Anderes ist, als das langweilige chatten in anderen Messengern, deswegen möchte ich auch dabei bleiben. Außerdem trifft man hier besonders nette Leuteund nicht das übliche Klientel. Bin also sehr überzeugt, und werde es unbedingt meinen Freunden empfehlen
KapriniThe fact that everyone dreams of living in world of virtual reality, this is closest we come to actually living it! Many thanks to moove for creating such an incredible site. The forums are very inviting also. For me personally, I can come to my computer, sit down, and walk through moove with such ease, it's as if after a hard days work and for relaxation, moove's got all the moove's I need for entertainment. This is my home away from home !!! KUDO'S moove !!
Stef@nThe best thing i like about moove is that you can make an virual image online about what your life is all about. You can be who you wanna be , a club owner or just some one who is home only in the weekends. The best program i have ever used, and it were a lot.
AbsoluterEigentlich ist es unvorstellbar das so etwas funktioniert aber wahr... Bin eigentlich kein Catter aber seid ich MOOVE kenne ist es meine Etspannungsstätte geworden! Kann es nur jedem empfehlen... Nicht wegen unzähliger stunden die mann mit der Einrichtung der EIGENEN Wohnung verbringen kann sondern wegen der Welt die mann sich erschaffen kann .... Wer will, die die er kennt wer mag die die es nicht ohne moove geben könnte... Spiele sind OUT Moove ist in! Mit einer spielfigur könnt ihr euch nicht unterhalten denkt daran!!! ;-) Leben ist Silber Rose ist Gold ....
LilyC4I love the animation...the realistic rooms you have...and especially the way you can feel closer to the people you are chatting with. When interracting with friends on here it really does feel as though your in the room with them :-) So different from sitting in a chatroom watching rows and rows of typing scrolling up your screen. Well done the people at "Moove" for thinking up such a wonderful program, and enabling us to have made so many good friend :-)
hotdollThis is the best online site that I have ever been on in my life!! I think it is a very cool way to meet people all over the world. There is so much to be explored on rose. I never want to leave. (that is how much I enjoy it ). I am so glad that I have found a home here . Keep up the great work that you are doing here. I have played a lot of online games but never have I found what I was looking for until I found Moove online. Thanks So Much.
*Berny K*Eine der besten Sites die ich bis jetzt gefunden habe sowas verdient einen Grammy oder einen Oskar. Allein sich heute so eine Arbeit zu machen ohne zu wissen was dabei rumkommt und in die Zukunft zu Programmieren, Hochachtung vor soviel Mut und Zukunftsentusiasmus. Manche Spieleprogrammierer oder die die sich dafür haten sollten bei euch Nachhilfe nehmen. Die grossen Spielehersteller sind größtenteils nicht in der Lage ein vernünftig laufendes Online Spiel auf den Weg zu bringen und Ihr Progrmmiert eine Plattform die sich ständig durch die Anwender weiter entwickelt seit ihr denn Wahnsinnig sowas geht doch eigentlich garnicht.
MinetaurusMir gefällt wie man hier seine vituelle Welt selbst, völlig frei gestalten kann. Man kann Räume dazu nehmen, wenn man mehr Platz braucht und auch wieder löschen wenn man nicht mehr so viele braucht. Wenn einem gerade mal ein neues Thema einfällt, baut man eben einen Raum oder seine ganze virtuelle Welt entsprechend um. Ausserdem sind die User hier irgendwie netter als in anderen Chats :-). Macht weiter so.
GREGGOf all the dozens of 3D Virtual worlds I Have tried out, including, Second Life, Simsonline, Whoru, Project Entropia, Worlds 3D, Active Worlds, and many more I can't even remember the names of, I still cannot find any that has as many great features as Moove! Its the only one that truly feels like "Home", and I can never wait to get back to it no matter where else I go ! There just isn't any other program that offers the intimacy and independent action that Moove offers, whether it's decorating fabulous rooms, or making the most realistic interactions one can imagine! It's Romantic. It's Exotic, It's Detailed, It's nearly endless in possibilites. One can have as Wild or Mild environment as one wishes. Or one can make the coziest isolated den which "reeks" of expensive cigars and pipe tobacco! A corporate boardroom to meet with World power brokers, Or a blazing beach with scantilly clad drunken party-goers!! Anything in between, or all of the above!
*Traudy*Mir gefällt es besonders, das man sein gegenüber, auch ,wie im realen Leben in die Augen sehen kann, sich gedanklich austauschen kann,und seine kreativität freien Lauf lassen kann. Die Träume werden wahr,manches mal ist man traurig wenn man in die Realität zurück muß,und wie groß ist die Freude,wenn man den Pc. anmacht und rose sich öffnet. Es giebt keinen besseren 3 D Chat,glaubt es mir
*Schwarzer Ritter*Es ist einfach nichts vergleichbares auf dem markt....die Möglichkeiten sind so vielfältig wie nirgends in einem chat... Wer einmal in rose war den wirds immer wieder hinziehen.
SossityMan kann sich mit den Akteuren identifizieren, die Atmosphäre der individuellen Räume läßt auf die verschiedenen Charaktere der User schließen, echte Freundschaften lassen sich schließen, da keine Massen durcheinander chatten.
FireflyFeeWas gefällt einem besonders an Rose?? Einfach alles... das Beste aber ist, man schreibselt nicht nur so vor sich hin, sondern man kann seinen Gegebüber auch "sehen" und lauter verrückte Sachen machen.
danisamum otimo software de relacionamento online gostei e recomendo totalmente aberto tem proteçao e totalmente editavel gostei msmo
Madam MooveMoove has a special and unique form of community that is not seen in any other 3D chat, the kind, loving and helpful way all members welcome each other, and that is deffently my favorit part of Moove. as well as the social aspect in forming bonds from country to county. to have australia on the other side of the street, and italy, usa and egypt as neighbours.. and family. I love the fact that what I were taught once, I now can use to help others getting started. Moove will always remain my 3D home.
*Ferrace*Rose ist wirklich ein ganz toller Chat. Hier kann man seine Räume individuell gestalten. Es macht viel Spaß, andere Leute kennen zu lernen und auch real zu treffen. Dank vieler netter Menschen, lernt man hier schnell, wie und was man designern kann. Und das Wissen weiter zugeben, bestärkt einem noch. Selbst die Trauung hier ist eine ganz feine Sache. Sie ist sooooo schöööööön, wie fast real. Und das haben wir Catmoritz zu verdanken. Er hat uns (Ferrace und Grand_Ange) am 18.4.09 hier getraut. Mit Rose kann man süchtig werden, doches macht auch Spaß.
Madori ShepherdIt's my world and I can have it anyway I choose! I found moove to be a wonderful place to meet people, chat and just enjoy life. I hope everyone else can have the same reality I have found in the fanasty land of Moove. Moove allowed me to be myself in every aspect from my personal avitar to decorating my home. I have experiened wonderful encounter's with people from around the world, which never would have happened otherwise. No regrets what-so-ever for coming on board the moove site.
ToongalI find Moove as an extremely fun way to pass internet time. The majority of users are such great fun, easy to get along with, and overshadow the few obnoxious pains we all have to endure. I love the way you can customise your act and use your own pics etc in your rooms. Since joining Moove, I have found that I have totally altered my state of mind, and feel much more self aware. Thank you Moove, for showing me the woman in me.
Zizoobest way to find friends and interact with them, nice place, being able to decorate , thats really great u could add as much as room you want postures and expressions are really good,
Emerald MystThe main beauty of moove is the "virtual space" it provides within which to meet people from all over the world! Within this space is the capability of actually interacting with others through our actors! In this way, Moove tends to melt the geographical limits among online friends. What an ingenious concept by the creators! Thank you for providing us with this "virtual space!" On November 21, 2007, Emerald Myst first made her appearance in Moove. Initially, Emerald's primary involvement in Moove was out of curiosity... From those beginning "newbie" days, the long time members were so welcoming and helpful! It wasn't long before Moove became more of a community of the heart and a "virtual space" in which "real friendships" were forming. Thank you, Moove, for allowing me to increase my circle of friends in a way I never thought possible.... and even to share a hug with friends hundreds of miles away!! I'm hooked!! And plan to be a part of the Moove community for a long time to come!!
StormwingDas visuelle Erlebnis das moove zu bieten hat,die Ruhige Atmosphäre und das jeder sein eigenes Haus hat das man sich nach eigenen Wünschen einrichten kann. Auch die Vielfältigkeit und das man sich selbst einbringen kann,wenn man Möbel oder Outfits baut,finde ich prima:-)
Miss AboboramigWhat it pleases me in the Moove is freedom and the universal spirit, receiving some trends. The program and the programmers are excellent. The generosity of the collaborating artists stimulates the continuity of the participation. **** O que me agrada no Moove é liberdade e o espírito universal, acolhendo várias tendências. O programa e os programadores são excelentes. A generosidade dos artistas colaboradores estimula a continuidade da participação.
Zazoo 2000Hi, I am a memeber since the old basic Rose and in all these years I would say the idea of that 3d chatting program is more than great and I loved being in here all these years I made lots of friends had alot of great time.
*Lady_of_the_dance*kann meine räume nach meinen eigenen wünschen wunderbar gestalten........ was bei euren grossen angebot kein problem darstellt........ macht weiter so ihr seid tolle vermieter....... *lach*
siouxicidal10dencyI like how different it is from other chat communities; the houses, giving everyone the option to be as creative as they can with putting together their own world. Even though I'm new here, I have spent more time here than at all my other online hangouts lately. It's absorbing, involving and keeps me coming back.
secret loveMoove is so cool! You can meet people from all over the world! You can design and create your own virtual reality. You can live out fantasies or hidden dreams or wishes you may want to live out in real life but for some reason may not be able to do at the moment. You can log in any time of the day no matter where you are and find a great chat!
*Lady_W_Wolf*I Love Rose from when I first login I have grown in the Community as a Rose that Blossom I share everything I have with my Newbies also with the friends that have grown into a family gathering at all times I love making Rooms and actors I have come a long way here and still growning in our community I have found my true soulmate from my pass to my presents He is my dreams As the Community still grows I am still a proud scout to service Moove on Line Rommancer Rose I Howls like wolf cause I feel the spirit in my heart and soul Hope all will be proud to belong to a Community like Rose peace and love always *Lady W_Wolf* A Wolf Pearl of Rose 3D smiles~
One-Beautiful-HoneyI like that you can meet new people and make you actor look like you that is cool, Plus you can get married if you want this is the best instant messenger/game i found . Thank you for makeing it
GigglyGIm a newbie (5 hours new) and i use a few 3d chat programs , Im a Host in one of them. I love the people here at Moove, they are so friendly and helpful, made me feel right at home, Having my own house with rooms is amazing, the actors are brilliantly done and so sexy too :0) I am a happy bunny Thanks to the members of Moove :0)
*Kazia*By far the best 3D Chat i've easy to customise actors and houses. I've met some wonderful friendly people and look forward to meeting more!!! :))
ShiDevilLike is an understatement, love is more the way I feel about everything at Moove online. I love creating roms of all kinds, I love making my own actors in the new actor studio. But most of all I love the many good friends I have made here. Also the one love I have found that is deeper than any love I've ever known, on or offline. Thanks Moove.
camaron diazdie 3 D Welt ist mal was ganz besonderes! Chats gibt es ja viele, aber so was wie diese Communitiy habe ich selten gefunden! Ich finde es toll aus so vielen Akteuren und Outfits ein zu mir passendes aussuchen zu können und damit meine Persönlichkeit besser repräsentieren zu könen! Ich war vor 4 Jahren schon einmal Mitglied, habe es dann aus den Augen verloren und bin jetzt wieder dabei! Und das ist super!
Julie75I have used other virtual worlds and I have to say this is the best I have come across, especially the actirs and outfits.
*Debiv1*This is such a fantastic place - I must confess, I am addicted!!! I have met alot of wonderful people and have been learning so many new things!!! Thank you! I plan on being here for a very long time so Keep Up The Good Work! Kudos to all staffers at Moove online.
KylaraTotally awesome! A 3-D virtual world where you can meet people from all over the world without ever leaving home. Visit virtual homes, clubs, bars or games room and make new friends. Moove online is somewhere safe you can let your imagination run wild, create the world you want to live either by decorating your personal rooms or through interchangeable, movable, and dressable ‘actors’. Moove online allows you to let out the inner you.
*Lord Gandalff*Moove online is the best chat program i ever came accross, and Rose is a wonderful world with endless possibilities. The addes visual info you get via the 3D feature certainly boosts the chat experience to unprecedented levels.
D@rk_KnightMoove Online is super addictive. It is by far the best chat program there is. I have met many wonderful people here. It becomes very personal! Unlike other chats where you're probably one IM out of 1000, in here it is very much one on one or small groups. Along with that you have the marvelous 3D effect. being able to create rooms to your own satisfaction. It truely amazed me how friendly people are here when you are new. So many willing to help out. I have been off and on rose for a good number of years. Believe me, I cannot stay away from it. It is the best!!!
BabysistaHere on moove, I love the freedom to create and bring into it my ideas in every way possiable. To me I truely think that this is the mose enjoyable place that I have found on the net. To me I truely think that this is my second home from the real world. It has taught me alot to grow and expand on my horizons to let me realize that there is more to offer on being on the net other than just sitting in front of your desk and see words all the time. Since I been a member here I truely can say I love all of the members and all of the capabilities that one can bring into it to share with others. This place has touched my little heart in soo many little ways specially the fellow members of moove, and as well as the scouts and all of the peoples who made and created moove for what it is now. Thanks for bringing in a wonderful enjoyable chatroom on line.
beth3DWhat i like best about Moove is the feeling you get of being in a real community.The different people you get to meet from a wide range of countries with a wide range of ideas and interests.I don t know of any other similar programe which comes any way close to achiving the level of interest and fun of Moove.On a personel note,I belive that Moove has helped me in my social skills,kept me beliving that life ain t all that bad after all....Thank you MOOVE
reykjavik66Contact with members all over the world. Free sex *grins*, beautiful houses and fornitures. It looks all so real!!! I love also the sexy clothes I purchased. Great designers here.
xSakura gurlxEverything!! I love this whole place and everything about it!! Its so cool!! but my favorite part is the create your own avatar and go to ppls houses seeing them and talking to them!!! And you can even get marrired!! thats so cool!!! Well whatever your doing keep doing it because your good at it!!! And since you did such a good job on this website i'll get all my friends to try it out and i know they will become addicted just like i did!!! Good Job!!!
mayqueKurz und bündig gesagt: ALLES ! Die Beste 3D-Community seitdem ich das Netz nutze. Das ist auch der Grund warum ich wieder hier bin ! Man kann sich richtig austoben beim Einrichten der eigenen Räume, hat viele Möglichkeiten sich kreativ zu betätigen. Selbst die Avatare sind einfach und klasse zu gestalten. Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen, der eine Community sucht, sich hier zu reggen. Großes Lob an moove und die zahlreichen Helfer.
CatharticThe ability to have a complete make over, to change how I look, even if I'm having a bad hair day in real life =) I also love the way I can make my own "home" so simply. The interaction with other members is facilitated so wonderfully.
LadyCammyWhat I love about Moove..everything.. the people are great and most are extremely helpful.. great designers always bringing us new and great things..its a great escape from reality and to enjoy yourself
*zauberzauselmaus*hallo, liebes moove-team und alle roselerInnen! auch wenn ich erst seit ein paar wochen dabei bin muss ich euch doch ein riesen lob aussprechen! noch nie zuvor habe ich etwas ähnliches entdeckt - moove ist wirklich einmalig. natürlich ist es super, wie man seine räume einrichten und sein "püppchen" stylen kann - die gestaltungs- möglichkeiten sind unbegrenzt und der kreativität keine grenzen gesetzt. was mich jedoch am meisten begeistert hat ist die tatsache, dass man hier unglaublich nette menschen trifft! eine derart hilfsbereite community habe ich noch nie erlebt - hut ab! am liebsten würde man den ganzen tag bei moove verbringen... der suchtfaktor ist absolut hoch... und deshalb konnte ich auch nicht anders: ich musste unbedingt mitglied in dieser faszinierenden 3D-welt werden und hoffe, es noch lange bleiben zu können! macht alle weiter so - damit moove auch noch die nächsten 50 jahre alte und neue user begeistern kann... liebe grüße, zauberzauselmaus
*midnight~mist*I like rose/moove because of being able to make as many rooms as you like, and the wonderful people I have met on rose I have not yet found any other 3d chat that is as Super as rose is. and I also love how the act is so real like...
Smartisdas man den Chatpartner sehen kann wie er sich bewegt und was er tut, sich seine träume in Erfüllung gehen lassen kann, wenn auch nur Virtuell. sich auch in Verschiedenen Outfits zeigen kann je nach lust und laune.
TigerBabeI like best that you can decorate and make so many rooms. Just use your imagantation and let your wildest dreams take you to no where before. Actor Studio You can decorate your actor the way you want and totally awesome clothes. Using your imagantation and let your wildest dreams explore the real you.
*Witch*Besonderst gut gefällt mir das man sich hier frei bewegen kann, sich sein Haus nach herzenwunsch einrichten kann.Das man viele Möbel und gegenstände auch benutzen kann. Also wenn ich erlich bin gefällt mir hier alles super klasse noch besser geht es bald gar nicht mehr.
*Fahima Nuha*I love how I feel so much closer to My friends in Moove, to be able to see Myself represented by an actor, who can hug kiss and interact in so many ways, with My online friends feels really great. Having people call into My home online to chat and swap ideas and information, yet knowing how far away most are from Me can be quite awesome at times, it really does feel like a home from home.
EphieMy favourite aspect of rose would be the amazing customisability of its worlds and avatars. Combined with the ease with which you can find people to meet and talk to, that makes rose the most engaging chat program I've found by far.

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