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FAQ Bonus

1. What are bonus points?

New members who feel that a Gold Member or premium member has taken care of them and explained everything to them especially well, can give out bonus points to this "especially helpful member".

2. How are the bonus points given out?

During the registration of the Gold Membership, the new member has the chance to enter the name of an especially helpful member.

3. When will the bonus points be counted?

As soon as the new member buys a Gold Membership, the "most helpful member" will receive 30 bonus points and the bronze bonus medal.

4. What happens if more than one new member enter me as a most helpful member?

For every mention as most helpful member you will get 30 points. If you have three mentions, you will have 3 x 30 = 90 bonus points added to your bonus point account.

5. When does the color of my bonus medal change?

As soon as you have more than 100 bonus points. Example: Four members have entered you as the most helpful member. Accordingly, you will receive 120 bonus points and the silver medal. Have a look at the bonus medals here.

6. Do I have to be a premium member to be able to receive bonus points and the bonus medal?

No. All paying members with a Gold Membership can be mentioned as most helpful member.

7. How do I recognize members who can help me?

The bonus medal on the nickpage indicates that this member is among the most helpful members.
Click on "Member search" in the community navigation bar to the left and then on "Helpful" to find the ideal person to help you. You can also click here:

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