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This page can be opened by members only. Please Register a Nickname for free to become a member. Thank you!


We are very sorry about any inconvenience this may cause and thank you very much for your patience and understanding:

Cookies are disabled. Please enable cookies. Then restart Roomancer. Details:

This service needs cookies to guarantee, that only you
have access to your personal Community pages. After your :login with :password
until your logout a :HTTP Cookie - just an identity number - assures your :nickname identity.
Otherwise you would have to re-enter your password for every page.
To run this service, please setup security in the Roomancer browser menu "View", "Web Options...". Then "Security", "Trusted sites", "Sites...".
Clear the "Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone". Then add *
Please re-start Roomancer or re-open window after changing.
If a Cookie Filter is installed (e.g. from a :firewall, anti spyware like Pestpatrol® or a minor protection system), please adjust it.
Or your PC may be behind a :proxy server that prevents cookie transmission. This is most likely in a corporate environment. So, regardless of how your browser is set, cookies won’t be sent or received by your browser. Since the cookies aren’t making it through to your browser, the community :server will assume you personally aren’t accepting them.
It may be necessary to remove old cookies - in the Roomancer browser menu "View", "Web Options...". Then "General", "Delete Cookies...".

Another common cause of problems is a wrong system time.

For your general Internet security we suggest using :firewall and :Antivirus. Additionally we recommend a Anti-Rootkit check.

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