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moove online: evianna

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evianna of Real LifeSomethingYouAllDon'tKnowAboutButWishYouDid

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InvitedVery richBonus
Helpful: 60 bonus pointsAnniversary: 02/05/2004Historical Rose CDHistorical Roomancer CDRoomancer CD

House nameReal LifeSomethingYouAllDon'tKnowAboutButWishYouDid
GenderFemale Basic member
Time07:32 AM-6 hours
CountryUnited States
Interests and Portrayal[->Web]
today is my last day ..
Jashi Va Lord Dar for accepting evi apologize to you and the HS ...
And letting evi clear her name up also ....
But I will be back in rose but not under this name ... The name I will come back under only my true friends in rose will know ..
But in due time everyone else will know also which I don't care ..
This is a place where you are to have fun and enjoy yourself but there are some here that doesn't have a life in the real world so they try to make it bad on some...
You know what that is a shame that there are some that can't be happy for others ..
Well I paid for full membership under a new name or should I say a old basic name that I had for a long time but never really used it till now.
I have alot of close friends some that doesn't live far from me especially one who warn me about what did happen to me but me being so hard headed I didn't listen...
He knows who he is and I want to thank him for being there for me and supporting me now with my new name...
As far as everyone else that can't stand my guts well I feel sorry for you ...
I pay to be in rose not you .. I am going to enjoy my full year in rose and if you don't like me well excluded me I really don't care anymore...
Well have fun I say coz you are the one who paid to be in rose no one else ..
And if someone doesn't like you so be it excluded them or let them do it too you ....
As far as gorean is concerned well some need to look really close in the mirror and see what they see ..
I have nothing against anyone gor/ D's any lifestyle ...
But it isn't for me I will be honest and say that much ...

So long under this name
A new horizen is looking at me under a new name and there will be many who talk but talk is cheap now days ...
Talk all you want coz evianna aka Penny isn't going to get upset about anything anyone might say about me again ....
People talked about Jesus Christ too did it bother him NO it didn't so it isn't going to bother me either ...

BYE and Hello
Member News
This is what I like best about moove online
My opinionWell first I would like to say Moove 3D Chat World is the best there is I think which is
only my own opinion...
There is so much too do here as far as having your own club....
Becoming a Scout... Helping all that needs help especially the newbies...
When I first came to Rose when we had old basic I was so newbie...
Didn't know how to do anything ...
But I learned by others and soon became a scout to help others who was joining
Rose is so addicted
I for one is addicted to Moove aka Rose as some still call it ...
Thank you for letting me take this opportunity to say what I think is best
about Moove online

Sincerely Yours;
Lady Evianna

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