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SweetDreamy of Dreamy Land

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Very richAnniversary: 01/24/2004

House nameDreamy Land
BirthdaySat 08/17/1974
49 Years, Basic member
Zodiac sign Leo
Chinese signs Tiger, Wood
Time01:30 AM-6 hours
CountryUnited States
CityMy House Google Earth Google Maps
Interests and Portrayal[->Web]
Ok I have been here long enough now to see that this place is not just a toy,
real people sit behind the actors and real feelings get involved,
I have always been a person that easily said get over it it's just online,
but here it is more then that.
It is much easier to open up your real heart and real feelings,
interacting and touching lives as well as having yours touched,
in some ways wonderfully! In others
Painfully. So all I want to say is that when you click on my house come in with honesty or not at all,
I am not a game player and do not appreciate the fact that just because a person is new here
Some decide it is a new opportunity to freely use their vulnerability to hurt them.
I may be new to this place but I however am not new to life or the ways of cyber space,
So before you take me as a dumb blonde think twice, before you play games with me,
step back and realize, I am a person with a big heart and open to making wonderful friends,
but I am also someone that has moderated and still does a chat myself for 5 years,
I have seen games and seen people get hurt, so think before you type,
typing is just talking with your hands after all! Do you not think before you speak?

Now, about me, *Grin* I am a girl, big suprise lol
I love oreos, yumm! and pizza, ok more not just about food?
I am blonde, and not dumb, contrary to popular belief about us!
I have two beautiful daughters, marriage sucked so I am no longer in it!
I love swimming, the Ocean is my greatest joy besides my kids!
I am also a nurse who works with children, what can I say I like kids!
Ok this is far to long and drawn out, but had to add all that other junk after finding myself in some
hurtful situations on here, So now I am ready to make and meet some
awesome friends, because in here and online the best part is we get to know eachother not from
only the outside,
but the inside, connecting with our hearts and minds, how much better can it get! So give me a try, I can be a wonderful ,loyal,caring friend,
but play with my heart or that of others I care about and I can be a heck of a enemy, take your pick!

Can't wait to share a pack of oreos, come on over!..Psst.. bring the milk!
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