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Rabble of Rabble Headquarters

Community medals

Very richAnniversary: 07/15/2000

House nameRabble Headquarters
BirthdayWed 08/05/1953
70 Years, Basic member
Zodiac sign Leo
Chinese signs Snake, Water
Time04:30 AM-6 hours
CountryUnited States
CityCambridge Google Earth Google Maps
ZIP/Postal code 43725 Google Earth Google Maps :Cambridge, County :Guernsey, State :Ohio
School or CompanyAltro Enterprises
Interests and Portrayal[->Web]
<div style="background-color:#99ffff;"><b>Hi.


I am a 1 year old male who lives in southeastern Ohio in the United States.
I'm married and I have 6 children. Five of whom my wife of 26 years and I have had the
pleasure of raising. The 6th (my oldest) was raised by her grandparents in Michigan.
Those six children have given us 6 beautiful grandchildren and a 7th is on the way.

I first came here to moove in 2001 and hung around for six months or so and that is why
I am listed as an original member. In all actuality I mooved (that's a joke) on to other activities
later that summer and didn't return here to moove until spring last year.
I am happy to see this has made me rich. :-)

My dearest friend here is Christine11. I would be lost without her. Although it is I who actually
introduced Chrisstine11 to the moove community I have never actually spent enough time here
to learn ( and then remember ) the ins and outs of the place. She has. Christine11 answers all
my questions or tracks down the person who does know the answers for me. Not so long ago
she hunted up *maxxie* for me and *maxxie* helped me solve the problem I was having of
being stuck in webmode so that no one was able to visit my house.

I just love moove. It's a great place to interact and makes the internet experiance more real.
However, I have a commitment to learning to make more traditional (non-3D) web pages and
this place is pretty darned addictive and can become all consuming. So, nd I have to go away
from here to have time enough to do my other webpage work.

So, if you find yourself spending more time here than you really should -
don't say I didn't warn ya!

My hope is life will be long and there will be time to meet you all.</B></div>
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